Getting a brand-new, full-color digital LED sign is an exciting addition to any business, church, school, or other organization. Whomever manages the sign probably won’t have any shortage of ideas because everyone around will have an idea. However, there are some ideas to consider.
- Schedule something daily. Get your community and customer base used to your sign.
- Schedule specials on the day they occur. Remind your community about the product, service, or event on the day.
- Schedule a message to appear multiple times throughout the day. People forget so remind them.
- LED digital display software allows you to schedule messages hours, days, weeks, or months in advance. Use this ability to your advantage. If holidays are important to your organization, make sure to plan a message in advance.
- Plan a message schedule. People are habit-forming. They may rely on your sign for time/temperature updates, sales, or birthday messages.
- Plan unique messages. Use your sign to your advantage. Sell message times, for birthdays, anniversaries, school events, etc. Help yourself by helping your community stay in-touch.

Let us know how we can help with your digital signage project requirements. We have many sign sizes available. Numeritex can also custom build to suit your specific sign needs. We look forward to hearing from you!